Configure your Booking System

How to handle Booking Settings

Booking Settings

It's important that you configure your Booking System to what suits your need. Here you can learn more about the different configurations you can do.


Minimum lead time: Select the minimum time to respond to a booking. Let's say you have an open time slot in one hour. Can a customer book that time slot or do you need more time to prepare? If you need more time you should set this lead time to more than one hour.


Maximum lead time: Choose a maximum number of days in advance that a booking can be made. From one to 365 days.


Internal Booking Confirmation: When a client books a service an internal confirmation is sent to this email. This allows you to receive information about newly added bookings.


Internal Booking Cancellation: When a client cancels a booked appointment/service an internal confirmation of the cancellation is sent to this email. So you don't miss if a client cancels on you.


Client Email Reminder: This is how long in advance an email reminder of a booking is sent out to the client. It's important to send out a reminder so that the client does not the appointment.


Booking Policy: It redirects to your booking policy page or uses a text as your booking policy. Every client that does a booking needs to approve this policy. Never forget to link or attach your booking policy when your clients do the booking.


Custom Booking Text: Add text to include it in the client booking confirmation. If you want to provide some additional information to your clients you can add it here.


Security: Verify the client's email address. A client needs to add a code to be able to finalize the booking. The code is sent to the email they provided in the booking. Removed the possibility of a “ghost booking”


Booking Widget - Embed on your website: Use code on your own website to display the booking function. This allows you to integrate the booking page on your own website.

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